Educational Videos for Uganda

We decided to film educational videos and load them onto the laptops we send abroad. Here is our first video by Daniella and Hannah. This video, along with others, will be sent to Kampala, Uganda and then to all the schools we have connected with! success!

Through the month of May, G.I.V.E was featured on the platform!  We raised over $2,300 to send laptops pre-loaded with educational content to one of the schools we have connected with in Fort-Portal, Uganda. Thank you so much to our supporters, we would not have had such a successful fundraising campaign without your support. We are so appreciative to for their mentorship and their can-do attitude which inspires us everyday! Check out our profile here.

This is a GIVE laptop which is being used in Fort-Portal, Uganda, thanks to the help of!

This is a GIVE laptop which is being used in Fort-Portal, Uganda, thanks to the help of!

GIVE mention in Forbes!

GIVE was highlighted in Forbes article, "Millennial Social Entrepreneurs Are Making Their Own Education" after attending an Ashoka's Youth Venture summit. Thanks for the mention! Read the article here.